Amity, Missouri, is a charming small town nestled amidst the rich landscape of DeKalb County. This quaint locality radiates the allure of Midwestern tranquility, steeped in deep historical roots dating back to the late 1800s. Residents cherish the slower-paced, tight-knit community lifestyle while staying connected to the modern world. From the serene, open spaces to the quintessential Main Street peppered with locally-owned businesses, Amity serves as a compelling depiction of authentic rural America. Exuding warm hospitality, the town provides a quiet retreat from urban hustle, and offers a unique glimpse into Missouri's captivating heartland.
Pettijohn Auto Center is Amity's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 1301 South 25th Street, Bethany, MO 64424.